Beth Carter, Sculpture, Reading Minotaur IV


Beth Carter’s Reading Minotaur IV is a bronze sculpture of a seated minotaur, his back bent as he reads intently from a small, gold-colored book held in his hands.

Bronze, 28¾” x 15¾” x 18½” (73 x 30 x 47cm)

Limited edition of 15




Beth Carter’s Reading Minotaur IV is a bronze sculpture of a seated minotaur, his back bent as he reads intently from a small, gold-colored book held in his hands. Carter somehow imbues the proportions and features of a beast with the sensitivity of a lamb. This dichotomy is her tour de force. She is a master of juxtaposition. She conveys the allegorical and intimate with each stroke of her hand and leaves every surface raw from human touch. Her sculptures and charcoals are as much a Shakespearean drama as they are the emotional rollercoaster of any particular Wednesday. Carter is able to finesse this fusion of the symbolic and personal because she is a storyteller. Each artwork is a narrative arc. Each piece is a poetic journey of introspection. With Reading Minotaur IV, the existential contrast embodied is not only beast vs. lamb, but also brawn vs. brain.

Bronze, 28¾” x 15¾” x 18½” (73 x 30 x 47cm)
Limited edition of 15

Beth Carter is an artist based in Bristol, UK. She has studied sculptural mythology and methodology in Gambia, India, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Her practice often morphs the human figure and animal, creating totemic creatures and extraordinary compositions. Her work is held privately in collections across six continents and publicly in the permanent collections of the Musée d’Art Classique de Mougins in France and the Muskegon Art Museum in Michigan.

Select Exhibitions

2020 There Is No Dark Until Something Shines, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY
2020 Magical Realism II, Hugo Galaerie, New York, NY
2020 Summer Collective, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY
Unrest, Hamptons Virtual Art Fair, Sturgis Gallery
Market Art + Design, Sturgis Art Gallery, Bridgehampton Museum, Bridgehampton, NY
2019 Winter Collective II, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY
2018 Summer Collective I, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY
2018 Hybridization and Duality, LKFF Art and Sculpture Projects, Brussels, Belgium
2018 Mythos, Charlie Smith London, London, UK
2018 Shadow Stories, LKFF Art and Sculpture Projects, Brussels, Belgium
2018 Sawdust and Sequins: The Art of the Circus, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, UK
2018 London Art Fair, Beaux Arts Bath, London, UK
2018 Minotaur: The golden thread, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY
2018 Magical Realism: Re-Enchanting Reality, Hugo Galerie, New York, NY

Additional information

Weight 100 lbs
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 25 in